This week the UK COVID19 Inquiry hears testimonies on the injuries and deaths caused by the COVID-19 vaccines.
While introducing the vaccine-damage impact film, Baroness Hallett makes a statement where she admits her pre-determined bias before the hearing has even commenced;
“It does NOT reflect my views. I will reach my findings on the evidence and the evidence will explore in detail the overall benefits of the vaccination program as well as any problems it faced or it created”
We knew the inquiry was biased - with a pre-determined outcome already written. But this admission shocked even me.
Not to take away from the impact of the testimonies. These are real and they are reflective. The only thing they are not is ‘RARE’.
The Yellow Card system is testimony to that fact ….
49.2M doses 💉
249,376 ADR reports 📒
1,456 deaths ⚰️
85.3M doses 💉
178,515 ADR reports 📒
916 deaths ⚰️
16.6M doses💉
43,225 ADR reports📒
101 deaths⚰️
Link to the full enquiry video as below
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