These claims are beyond ridiculous, even within this narrative of the virus existence claim.

If there had been "natural contagion", how can anyone judge which variants were involved in this "contagion"? From the point of view of the virus church, it is only ever one virus at a time, monotheism so to speak, and also always exactly what you happen to have developed a "test" to look for. 🎉 This is contradicted by the gospel according to the variant, in which viruses populate the earth by the billions with developmental leaps everywhere and at all times. So, what then? Why don't you decide which fairy tale is the right one?

When asked, you then learn that the "test" cannot distinguish between "convid" and the "flu", but the current variant is reliably identified, so the latest vaccination does not help against the new variant, which would be clearly recognised as new by the "immune system", but without the desired reaction of “defense”. Of course, only the injection can do that! Hallelujah.

In the near future, with the development of mRNA therapies suitable for each individual, I would also be interested to see what clinical trials will look like. One participant per serum, or no participants at all?

Jesus, how much crazier can it get?

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Couple of things to take away.

This ‘interview’ was nearly three years ago. My views have moved on a bit since then.

I do not believe there as a novel coronavirus circulating and I do not believe we ‘had’ it in our house.

Interesting to hear the vaccinator say though, that even had we been infected, we should still take the vaccine

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Your kids are blessed with a brave dad but sure they know it. You alluded to it even back then but the whole nonsense is based on the intentional failure to make a clear distinction between flu like SARS-CoV-2 infection and the relatively rare complication resulting from infection called Covid-19. It’s this intentional confusion that has made the vaccine programme possible.

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Articulate, brilliant and brave. Well done. The thing that stood out for me was how silent she became towards the end.

Me and my wife figured out early in 2020 that something wasn’t right about the narrative, and none of us or the kids got vaccinated despite raised/rolled eyes from our families.

Keep strong,


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Thank you. Yes the vaccinator at my appointment was far more engaging than the one at my kids appointment. Maybe it was just different personalities, maybe she thought I was a crank …. Or just maybe, she was beset with guilt …

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There is no such thing as Covid nor any other virus

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Very helpful contribution that ….

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Glad you like it however after all that as been done in the name of viruses Im astounded more people aren't questioning the existence of so called viruses

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