The Harms of masking children & closing schools
The impact of lockdown restrictions on our children
Evidence is now being published that proves the lockdown restrictions caused untold harms to our children.
Even the mainstream media are reporting on the emotional, physical and educational harms caused to children by school closure and forced mask wearing in class.
We of course knew this at the time. Back in 2020 and 2021 I became very vocal against school closures and in particular the harms of mask wearing in class. I refused to comply with the restrictions, stood stoically at the school gates without a mask, exempted my kids from mask wearing or testing, wrote to the schools asking for a copy of their Risk Assessment for the mask wearing in class.
Yes, I was that parent. The Karen’s would stare and scowl. The Karen’s kept men would stare at their own feet, few dared to make eye contact in case their own soul exploded.
I did everything I could to raise awareness. Facebook groups, WhatsApp chats, Twitter - most would discount me as the crazy covid conspiracy guy. But you never knew who was watching, who saw the stance you took and then took inspiration themselves - and then slowly the masks would start to fall. Even some of the Karen’s would confess later that they thought I had been an arsehole, but they now agreed with ‘most’ of what I had said.
I also tried to call into Radio Scotland whenever I could to make my points. Once again, you never knew who was listening - who was taking inspiration from hearing a dissident voice on the radio, saying out loud what they thought in silence; parents on their way back from school run, commuters travelling to work, trades and delivery drivers out in their vans - hearing a voice speak for them.
I did all I could. And when the big man comes to mark my final score, he will ask not whether I won or lost, but how I played the fcuking game.
Stand Free
Fantastic radio comment from a top dad. I think your stance at the school would have had a huge impact on other parents, teachers and children who were terrified into going along with what they were told to do. As you say you don’t always see the fruits of your labours it’s because of people like you/us that they’ll be less likely to conform again. Brilliant work.
The lockdown harms more serious for the most vulnerable children who were said to protected, from what? The Scottish COVID inquiry has uncovered every truth and yet the silence from the msm and even 99% of the 'alt' media continues.